Tuesday, 27 January 2015

When Greeks invade a Glass Store - Part 2

Dear friends,
More fruit on the tree!!
GRGPS ( George Raptopoulos -Georgia Psarra-Set)  are proud to present the next guest blogger, our sensitive Venia Adamakou, who is also part of the team of Greeks participating in the bull wreaking a magic havoc in the glass store
Enjoy perambulating in the gardens and please share your opinions with us!!!

          When I was asked if I wanted to participate in this project  I accepted  immediately as I love theatre! I did not imagine that this decision could change the way I am thinking.
         After a discussion full of interesting ideas we decided to play The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. All the roles were wonderful and presented the ambitions, the problems and the thoughts of the heroes. There was one role, though, that fascinated me the most, the role of Laura, and I thought that I should give it a try.
        Laura is a young girl that cannot walk properly and did not have any luck at making friends as she always thought that she was not good enough for this world. She feels lonely and she creates her own world where she feels safe and happy. Her company is her animals that are made of glass as she cannot find what she needs when she speaks with her mother or her brother. When her first love appears in her house she realizes that she can be happy in the real world too. She does not care that much about her glass collection anymore but her dream is ruined when Jim, her love, announces that he is engaged.
        This role was a real challenge for me as I always rely on my friends when something bothers me and I  cannot imagine my life without  travelling, going out and being energetic in general. I had  to imagine how I would feel if I was totally isolated  and had a problem with my legs. I felt awful for her! Something that  helped me understand her more was that I hurt my leg and I could not walk properly for a day or two. I immediately thought about Laura and  that I needed to approach this role with respect  since many people in our society face problems like Laura.
       During the rehearsals we had so much fun as we were all excited about this  play and we wanted to make it perfect! I hope that our efforts will be enough to satisfy our audience! 

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